Submit your Best Photos – Two Slideshows at the 2016 TWS-WS Annual Meeting
WOW – Women of Wildlife: New this year! We will display WOW photos in an expo hall slideshow during lunch on Wednesday. Photos needed that promote and support women in the wildlife profession. Please send one photo per person in jpg format by February 12th to Rhys Evans at . Photos should be wildlife themed (with a critter or outdoors) and should be less than 2 megabytes in size. Please don’t send six photos, just one per person is all we need. Please ensure e-mail includes name, current employer, university attended (if more than one university, just list one)
Tuesday Night Welcome Reception Photo Display: The content is up to you! Send in your photos of wildlife, coworkers, TWS workshops, study animals, unexpected situations, beautiful locations, etc. Help us celebrate wildlife and the wildlife profession! Please send photos in jpg format by February 12th to Each person that submits photos to Eveline will be entered in a raffle for a free iPad!
Greater roadrunner on trail sign above check-in parking lot for Historic District of Crystal Cove SP